Concrete Pumping
Should the area you require the concrete to be delivered be difficult to access, we can arrange for our concrete to be pumped to the location.
Excellent for: concrete shuttered walls, muck stores, large flooring areas where there is reinforcing mesh.
Limited access? Pipes can go where wheelbarrows can’t!
Area Covered
Staffordshire, Cheshire & Derbyshire. Click here to view map.
Pumping Rate
Can pump up to approx. 30 - 40 m³ per hour (conditions dependant)
Enables you to get ready mix concrete to where you need it.
Drivers/Pump Operators
Reliable & experienced operators.
Pump Pipe Length
Boom pump to 16m.
Additional pipes can extend to approximately 70m.
Customer Service
Being a small family business we pride ourselves on excellent customer service.
We can arrange a site visit to offer advice if required.